Professor Dănuț TURCU, PhD, is a professional in the fields of Communications and Information Systems, IT&C security and NATO Cyber Defense and is currently director of Information Systems and Cyber Ops Department within Security and Defense Faculty.
He is graduate of the MSc Information Technology Security from Romanian Military Technical Academy and of the postgraduate CIO program from CIC/ College of Information and Cyberspace, within US National Defense University, Washington, DC in collaboration with Boston’s Harvard Business School.
He has 20 years of experience in planning, design and delivering curricula for academic bachelor, master and postgraduate programs within the Romanian “Carol I” National Defense University, and 34 years of experience in IT&C operations within Romanian MoD, covering IT&C, EW, security and cyber defense, and is currently coordinating the postgraduate program Cyber Defense for military leaders and the MSc program Communications, IT and Cyber Defense for military managers and leaders.
He also completed as an expert in the past five years research and development projects in European POSDRU and POC, evaluated in the past year many IT related PNRR projects and worked as expert member in national working group for technical and operational specifications and acquisition of Communications and information system for NATO/Ro Multinational Corps South- East.